english News from Marseille, the Provence and the South of France Cezanne, the Master of Provence The new digital and immersive exhibition in the Carrières de Lumières will present Cezanne’s most significant works, such as his still lifes of apples, The Card Players (1890–95), and The Great Bathers (circa 1906). A self-taught http://provence.cruises/msc-cruises-builds-blue-ribbon-expert-group-to-develop-new-health-and-safety-protocols MSC Cruises is preparing for its eventual return to service with a new set of health a safety protocols that will help guarantee a safe return to service for both its crew and its guests. http://provence.cruises/the-construction-of-the-replica-of-the-cosquer-cave-in-marseille-will-begin The president of the Paca region, Renaud Muselier, officially handed over the keys to the Mediterranean villa to Kléber Rossillon, for the start of the construction of the reproduction of the Cosquer cave. A delivery http://provence.cruises/iter-the-fascinating-history-of-the-world-biggest-project An idyllic mountain knowles in the Cadarache forest, in the south of France. Wild boars and mouflons wandering among the oak trees and the pines. The air is full of the aroma of calamint, lavender … Skip back to main navigation